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Shoulder joint pain

When muscles or joint capsules that make up the shoulder joint are damaged, inflamed, or suffering from calcific tendinitis, the movement of the shoulder joint can be limited and severe pain may occur.
This symptom usually worsens over a long period of time and can persist for more than a year, becoming chronic.

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Calcific Tendonitis



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If you experience pain and restricted movement in your shoulder joint, it could be due to problems with the shoulder muscles such as Calcific Tendonitis, inflammation, and tendon damage.
If left untreated, these symptoms can worsen and last for over a year.
This symptom, where there is a limited range of motion in the shoulder and pain occurs, is also called frozen shoulder.
If the tendon is torn, prompt treatment is recommended as it can lead to tendon rupture.

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Stages of shoulder pain

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Aging and degenerative changes


Muscle impingement due to narrowing of the shoulder joint space


Repetitive damage to the muscles around the shoulder joint


Calcification deposits in the shoulder joint

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Symptoms of Shoulder Joint Pain by Stage




thawing stage

The early stage is characterized by stiffness, severe pain, and limited movement.

As the time when the shoulder joint, which had been stiff, begins to loosen up, the pain decreases and the movement restriction gradually improves, leading to a natural recovery.

During the stiffening period of the shoulder joint, the pain tends to decrease, but the restriction of movement actually becomes more severe.

  • Severe limitation of shoulder joint movement, making it difficult to perform actions such as grasping objects, combing hair, putting on underwear, and brushing.

  • Unable to get enough sleep due to severe pain.

  • Experiencing severe pain when trying to move the arm quickly.

  • It can take several years (observed in 10% of cases).

  • Even after improvement, there may be limitations in shoulder joint movement that can interfere with daily activities such as getting dressed.

Treatment for Shoulder joint


If you have a hunched shoulder due to excessive use or aging of the shoulder joint muscles, the muscles in the shoulder joint space are often pinched, causing inflammation. This inflammation narrows the shoulder joint space, leading to a vicious cycle of more frequent pinching. During this process, if calcium accumulates in the injured area, calcific tendinitis can also occur. Such damage mostly leads to chronic conditions.

At J&J Therapy, we correct hunched shoulders to a normal position through therapeutic massage to address the root cause and effectively treat inflammation, calcific tendinitis, and other conditions through shockwave therapy without using surgery or medication. We also educate patients on self-exercise and stretching through electrical therapy to manage pain and prevent recurrence.

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Posture correction


Shockwave therapy




Electric therapy


Ultrasound therapy

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The effectiveness of shockwave therapy for Shoulder joint.


When chronic inflammation persists for 1-3 months or longer, shockwave therapy can be attempted on the shoulder joint. This treatment stimulates chronic inflammatory tissue, promoting vascular regeneration and the healing process, resulting in a fast and effective recovery.

01_ Inflammation reduction


Through shockwave therapy, inflammation of the shoulder joint is healed and the swollen muscles return to their original size. As a result, the space within the shoulder joint expands, allowing the muscles to move freely without any impingement and eliminating the need for pain. Consequently, shockwave therapy helps to quickly restore the range of motion in the shoulder joint.

When calcium deposits accumulate in muscles and tendons, it can lead to calcific tendinitis and severe shoulder joint pain. Shockwave therapy applies shockwaves to the affected area to create blood vessels, which helps the calcium deposits to be easily absorbed by the body.
This method effectively treats inflammation caused by calcium deposits and helps relieve pain.

03_ Treatment of calcific tendinitis

02_ Normalization of joint mobility


Please check out the J&J Therapy blog
for related information!

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