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Ankle, foot pain

The ankles and soles of our feet are the final points bearing our body weight, so they can easily become fatigued and injured. In most cases, ankles often experience pain due to sprains, while soles suffer pain from inflammation caused by friction. Since ankles and soles are in constant use daily, ignoring the pain can potentially lead to worsening conditions. Therefore, it is advisable to seek immediate treatment.


Posterior talofibular ligament

Anterior talofibular ligament

Calcaneofibular ligament

Major ligaments that are damaged due to ankle sprains.


Grade 1: Micro tear

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Grade 2: Partial tear

Grade 3: Complete tear

The ligament is slightly torn.
There is a minor inflammation around it.
(About 7 days of treatment and management are required)

The ligament is partially torn, causing a degree of instability due to incomplete damage. This requires treatment and management for 1 to 3 weeks.

The ligament is completely ruptured, making the joint very unstable and unable to bear weight on the foot. (Requires treatment and management for several weeks to months.)

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A rupture of the ligaments and fascia in the ankle and foot often requires surgery, but in other cases, simple treatment can be sufficient for recovery. Inflammation in the ankle and foot tends to become chronic, so it's important to remember that prompt treatment to prevent worsening is more crucial than waiting for recovery.

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The area of pain
on the sole of the foot

Plantar fascia

Achilles tendon

Areas that are torn or inflamed

Areas that are torn or inflamed

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Twisting the ankle


Continuous friction due to ill-fitting shoes


Weight gain


Shortening of the Achilles tendon or calf muscles

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Constant pain and stiffness in the ankles.


Easily getting fatigued in the ankles even with a little walking.


Pain in the middle of the heel or sole of the foot.


Severe pain in the first few steps in the morning.

Treatment for Ankle, foot


Injuries to the ankle ligaments, Achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis all share the common characteristic of causing pain due to inflammation.
At J&J Therapy, we use shock wave therapy to treat such inflammation quickly and effectively.
We provide electrical therapy, ultrasound therapy, and self-stretching education to relax the tension in the calf muscles,
which can be a cause of Achilles tendinitis and plantar fasciitis.
In addition, therapeutic massage is used to relax the surrounding muscles tensed by pain,
which helps prevent secondary problems caused by pain.

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Posture correction


Shockwave therapy




Electric therapy


Ultrasound therapy

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The effectiveness of shockwave therapy for Ankle, foot.


If you sustain an ankle injury due to a sprain, inflammation occurs in the ligaments of the affected area, leading to instability and severe pain in the ankle.
Shockwave therapy can effectively and quickly heal this ankle inflammation and alleviate the resulting pain.
Ligaments have a characteristic of taking a long time to recover if damaged because they have few blood vessels, so it is advisable to receive treatment as soon as possible if you have a sprain.

01_ Ankle pain


Plantar fasciitis is mainly caused by damage from excessive pressure or persistent stress on the soles of the feet.
Similarly, Achilles tendonitis is largely caused by damage from persistent friction or shortening of the calf muscles.
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments have fewer blood vessels, so the treatment period can be long, but shockwave therapy can expand and create blood vessels in the treatment area, treat inflammation, and shorten recovery time.
Therefore, if you have plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis, we recommend receiving shockwave therapy at J&J Therapy to prevent the condition from worsening.

If pain occurs in the ankle or sole of the foot, the muscles such as the calf, thigh, and hamstring can be overused and tense to compensate for it, which can quickly and heavily accumulate fatigue.
J&J Therapy provides additional shockwave therapy to these fatigued muscles to help them relax and heal.

03_ Muscle relaxation


02_ Pain in the soles of the foot, Achilles tendon pain


Please check out the J&J Therapy blog
for related information!

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